Please initiate the return process within two working days from the date of delivery. To ensure a smooth process, kindly adhere to the following conditions:
Upon receiving your returned item, we will notify you and conduct an inspection for the reported issue or damage. After the inspection, we will promptly inform you of the refund status. If the return is accepted and approved, your refund will be initiated promptly. This may be credited back to your credit card or the original mode of payment. The processing time for the refund depends on your card issuer’s policies.
Please note that any shipping costs associated with the return must be covered by you. Return shipping is not included in our refund policy, and you are responsible for this amount.
We are dedicated to ensuring the highest level of customer satisfaction. However, these processes do take time, and we appreciate your patience in case of any issues or delays.
Motivation can take you far, but it can take you even further if you first find your vision. Your vision will motivate and guide you on
ADDRESS | Ground Floor, Udyog Bhavan, Walchand Hirachand Marg, Ballard Estate, Fort, Mumbai – 400001 |
PHONE | (+91) 9820039784 | |