Features & Benefits
Why Drink Tea?
Tea induces calmness. Release your stress with a mindful cup of tea. Tea relaxes your muscles and increases blood flow.
Aroma therapy at home. Aroma of a well brewed/steeped tea is rich and warm. It creates a good mood while inhaling steam from a hot tea clears your sinuses.
A good tea is full of flavours. Flavourful tea soothes your mind. Drinking tea cleanses your palate and leaves a good taste.
Hot or cold, when you sip tea the goodness reaches your soul and soothes your body. Tea nurtures you from inside.
Tea warms you from inside and protects you from illnesses. Tea is packed with antioxidants and boosts overall health. Tea makes you healthier at heart, body and mind.
Tea connects you to nature. Drinking unblended and blended teas that are mindfully sourced and are made from natural ingredients helps you have the true taste tea. Away from preservative & artificial flavouring.
Fresh tea refreshes you mentally and physically. Drinking tea clears your mind. It can provide perspective.
Teas are mostly made up of water. It is a healthy beverage with a flavourful experience. Drinking tea can help you reach your daily liquid requirements in a healthy and flavourful way.